The Responsible Installer Declaration (R.I.D.) or Certificate of Electrician as it is better known, is requested by the HPPC. at specific intervals to control electrical installations and ensure their safe operation in accordance with the existing legislation.
The minimum review intervals for installation categories are:
Homes every 14 years
Business premises without flammable materials every 7 years
Business premises with flammable materials every 2 years
Entertainment and gathering places for the public every 1 year
Business premises in the countryside every 1 year
The control of the certifications is under the jurisdiction of Δ.Ε.Δ.Δ.Η.Ε. SA (Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network). When it is found that the certificate of a benefit has expired or does not exist, a notification is sent and its submission is requested within a short period of time.
Most commonly, as it is difficult to control all the benefits, the Responsible Declaration is requested when an application is made for a change in the electrical installation, which is:
Connecting a new supply
Power reconnection
Name change
Increase or decrease power
Consolidation of existing benefits
Change the position of the meter
From 01/11/2011, the PPC Certificate changed form and now must
include the following:
Responsible Installer Statement, which lists general details of the installation
(supply number, owner-consumer name, address, total power, size of connection cables, PPC fuses, type of supply and ground), as well as the details of the electrician performing the inspection.
Monogrammed Installation Plans, are floor plans in which the electrical sockets and power lines are marked ‘mapping’ the network.
Monogrammed table drawings, which show the table (or tables) with detailed information about the type of rows starting from it.
Test Protocol, in which the tables with their lines and the results of the tests are recorded (eg measurement of ground resistance, relay operation test) and the deviations from the predictions that may have been observed are noticed.
Delivery Report, in which all electrical receptacles per area are recorded and the power consumption is calculated in parts and in total for the entire installation.
The process of issuing the certificate consists of 2 stages.
Autopsy and installation inspection and measurements
Recording and processing of results and writing of the Certificate
In case, during the inspection of the installation are found significant deficiencies or defects, they are pointed out to the customer and the correct solutions are indicated. The client chooses whether to use one of our wide network of partners to correct the problems, or whether to undertake this process himself. In any case, a new inspection is carried out after the necessary work, and the certificate is issued only if the installation is fully compliant with applicable regulations and completely safe to use.
The inspection of the installation is summarized as follows:
The electrical panel is opened and the wiring of the lines and its general condition are visually checked. During our inspections, boards with burnt, scratched cables, unscrewed fuses, incorrect fuse-cable correspondences have been found.
Measure the ground resistance of the entire installation using a special instrument. The insulation resistance of each line is checked using a special instrument. This measurement is made in the table. The grounding of all sockets (sockets, kitchen, water heater) is checked using a special instrument. During this measurement, a cable is connected to the ground bar of the panel and with the instrument we measure at each receptacle.
The correct operation of the escape relay is checked using a special instrument. During this measurement, we create an artificial charge in the relay to determine if the circuit breaks within the prescribed safety frames.
Examples of problems answered during inspections that make the installation dangerous to use:
In many cases insufficient grounding has been measured because the electrode was not placed correctly on the ground. Ground resistance values have been measured up to 50 times above the upper limit.
In old houses, the ground was in the water supply network and the pipes were removed, leaving the installation completely unprotected.
In one case, the entire air conditioning network was found to be connected before the main panel switch. In practice this means that the power supply was directly from the PPC clock without any protection device.
In many cases, especially in old homes, there is no escape relay at all, which means that there is no real protection against electric shock.
Cases have been found where due to changes in the installation, power cables have been left bare or insufficiently insulated instead of being completely disconnected from the network.